July 28, 2020

Alert and notification system of the city of Smederevo

We made an acoustic study for the city of Smederevo and the surrounding settlements in 2018. During the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020, an alarm and notification system was installed. The manufacturer of the system is SONNENBURG, Germany. The most modern system in Europe has been built. Such a system is installed on the entire territory of Germany and Slovenia. The voice and alarm signal transmission system is realized through Motorola's digital radio network. The complete system management software is in Serbian language. Smederevo is the first city in Serbia to have such a modern system for alerting and informing.
July 7, 2020

Installation of a system for automatic fire detection and alarm in a substation

Tesla sistemi performed the installation of a system for automatic fire detection and alarm in a substation. Automatic fire alarm systems have the task of detecting a fire as early as possible, detecting some of its basic manifestations (smoke, temperature rise, flame light, (...).